Individual Users FAQ
What is Calgary Dollars?
Calgary Dollars (C$) is a local and complementary currency. This means Calgary Dollars
are only used in Calgary, and can be used to help purchase goods and services from businesses and other users. Local currencies like Calgary Dollars aim to help foster stronger community connections by facilitating and encouraging local consumption.
How can I earn Calgary Dollars
Calgary Dollars can be earned in a variety of ways, such as placing ads to sell goods and services, and
receiving Calgary Dollars as rewards from participating businesses.
However, there are three easy ways you can earn some Calgary Dollars right now.
1. Earn 10% Calgary Dollars when you shop at our participating Local Businesses in the form of Calgary Dollars rewards.
2. Earn Rewards in Calgary Dollars by posting your first five ads accepting a minimum of 10% C$ (C$5 each).
3. Completing our intake survey (C$15)
4. Receive C$40 when you refer a new user. Individuals must complete the intake survey and post an ad to qualify, new businesses need to post their first ad accepting C$.
How can I join Calgary Dollars?
It is quite easy to join Calgary Dollars. Simply register on our Calgary Dollars listing website here (https://listings.calgarydollars.ca). Or you can download the Calgary Dollars app and register on your mobile device!
Additionally, you can register for Calgary Dollars whenever you see us at one of the many community events and festivals we participate in.
Will Calgary Dollars be accepted by my local bank?
No, Calgary Dollars can not be deposited or used at any bank.
Can I use Calgary Dollars to pay for rent?
Some housing and community associations across the city accept Calgary Dollars
to pay rent, vendor fees at farmers markets, and many other services.
For more information, contact us at 403-270-3200
Are there any charges?
There is NO longer any fee on the Calgary Dollars value of transactions billed to the buyer and seller. There is a 10 C$ annual membership fee charged in Calgary Dollars after a year of membership. However if you have spent all of your C$, no fee will be charged.
Who runs Calgary Dollars?
Calgary Dollars is run and operated by the Arusha centre, a non-profit organization
based out of the CommunityWise Resource Centre, which is focused on community building and sustainability.
How much does it cost to join?
Nothing! It is completely free, both in C$ and Federal Dollars, to sign up and start using Calgary Dollars.
How do buyers and sellers communicate with each other?
You do not need to go through our site to communicate with each other. We provide buyers with the ability to contact the seller through a form that is accessible on each of the seller’s listing pages. The seller will then be notified by email of the buyer’s questions and the seller can either reply by email or log in to their account and reply through our onsite messaging system. The seller can choose to keep their email address anonymous.
Is it physical or digital currency?
Both! Calgary dollars exists as a circulated physical currency, and digitally. You can exchange physical dollars to digital and vice versa.
Are Calgary Dollars legal?
Yes, Calgary Dollars is a legal currency. It was reviewed by the Bank of Canada and Revenue Canada has included complementary currencies like Calgary Dollars under their guidelines for barter transactions.
Calgary Dollars do not impact an individual’s funding, they will be exempt when calculating the level of benefits provided. Click for more information!
How much is one Calgary Dollar worth?
One Calgary Dollar (C$) is worth one Federal Canadian Dollar.
How and where can I use Calgary Dollars
Search the Marketplace to find local businesses and individuals accepting C$ for goods and services online, via the app or in stores. The ‘Retail” section in the Marketplace shows all the local businesses that accept Calgary Dollars.
You can use digital Calgary Dollars with our online listing website (accessible here (https://listings.calgarydollars.ca/), and by using our app (downloadable here https://www.calgarydollars.ca/sellbuy/)
How Can I donate Calgary Dollars
In the mobile app on the left side of the home screen the second button down is a heart icon for TAG donation. If you click that button it takes you to a payment screen where you can enter the amount of Calgary Dollars you would like to donate. You can enter any comments below and once you submit you will be able to confirm the transfer before it is sent.
Donations in Calgary Dollars are eligible for a tax receipt if the amount is over C$20.00. Donations go directly to support Take Action Grants local microgrants.
Grants have been issued by Calgary Dollars (C$) since it began in 1996, creating more funding for critical social and environmental work in Calgary.
Do they expire?
No, Calgary Dollars do not expire
Can Calgary Dollars be counterfeited?
Calgary Dollars, like any other currency, has safeguards in its design to deter counterfeiting
which make it incredibly difficult to counterfeit Calgary Dollars. Calgary Dollars digital currency is maintained on a secure site and all transactions are encrypted.
Where else can I find local currencies?
Local currencies like Calgary Dollars can be found across the continent and the globe, but also
in other locations in Alberta such as Cochrane Dollars. Calgary Dollars is not affiliated with other local currencies.
Can anyone sign up and use Calgary Dollars?
Yes, anyone in Calgary can use Calgary Dollars in the city.
Who can I contact if I have questions or concerns?
Our office hours are 10pm-2pm Monday to Friday. You can email us at info@calgarydollars.ca, or give us a call at 403-270-3200.
What are the terms of use and privacy policy for Calgary Dollars and the CHC Exchange?
Your participation in Calgary Dollars serves as your agreement to the fees, incentives, and terms of Calgary Dollars.
You agree to accept a minimum of 10% Calgary Dollars in payment for goods or services or post items for no charge.
Although Calgary Dollars can’t monitor all content, we retain the right to remove accounts and listings if they don’t reflect the spirit our our community and complementary currency goals.
Privacy – Your listings are shared on the internet and therefore may circulate beyond our website. Photos or media coverage may take place a public events. Calgary Dollars data will be kept in alignment with FOIP requirements.
Google user data is only used by our applications for login purposes and is not used for any other purpose. Google user data is only accessed and stored for login purposes. Google user data is not shared.
You agree to not hold Calgary Dollars or stakeholders responsible for the systems operations, communications, timeliness, quality, or availability of goods and/or services exchanged between participants or any losses that may result.
If you would like to delete your account and all information message the admin within the Calgary Dollars platform (online or on the app) to request your account be deleted. OR You can email info@calgarydollars.ca to request account deletion. You must have a zero balance for your account to be deleted. You can spend or donate the remainder of the credit within your account, you can email or message for more information if you need assistance. Once deleted, all of your personal information (name, email, phone number, purchase history) will be removed from the Calgary Dollars platform. This is separate from our newsletter and campaign database, you will need to unsubscribe from these separately, or request to unsubscribe from them at the time of deletion. Data relating to your account or completed surveys will not be connected to your personal information. This data is only used to track and evaluate the Calgary Dollars program and is amalgamated with other users’ data.
We want to be clear about what information we collect and how we use it to deliver our services to you. We do not sell or share your Personal Information.
Types of Information we collect. In connection with accessing Calgary Dollars, we may collect information from you which can be used to identify you (“Personal Information”), such as your name, address, email address, phone, username and password.We collect information when you register.Our services may change over time and we may introduce new features that may collect new or different types of information.
How We Use Your Information. We may use your information, including your Personal Information, for the following purposes:Account Registration. We may use your name, address, phone number, and email address to register your account for services we provide and to communicate information to you.
To Provide Our Services and Operate Calgary Dollars. We may use your information to operate Calgary Dollars, including providing services you requested, provide you with support related to Calgary Dollars, Calgary Dollars listings/Marketplace, and the Calgary Dollars app, and to help us protect our services, including to combat fraud and protect your information.Customer Service and Technical Support. We may use your name, address, phone number, email address, how you interact with Calgary Dollars, and information about your computer or phone configuration to resolve questions you may have about our services and to follow up with you about your experience.Communicate with You. We may use your information to communicate with you about Calgary Dollars, related information and local businesses. You can unsubscribe from our newsletters at the bottom of each newsletter.To Improve Services and Develop New Services. We will use your information to personalize or customize your experience with Calgary Dollars, develop new features or services, and to improve the overall quality of Calgary Dollars.Feedback. We may use information you volunteer in surveys you answer for us and anonymously combine them with answers from other users in order to better understand Calgary Dollars and how we may improve them. Answering any survey is optional.We do not share your personal information (name, email, phone number, address, login information).
Inquiries can be sent from online within Calgary Dollars by messaging the Administration and the Calgary Dollars Support Centre is at info@calgarydollars.ca and 403-270-3200.
Calgary Dollars is a program of the Arusha Centre, funded by the City of Calgary – FCSS, Alberta government funders, and the Calgary Foundation. This Calgary Dollars software is cyclos.org built with the generous support of Ubiquat.com and is part of a global movement of complementary currencies.