Grants have been issued by Calgary Dollars (C$) since it began in 1996, creating more funding for critical social, economic and environmental work in Calgary.
• Past experience with the project work.
• Number of community collaborations included in the work.
• The demonstrated ability to use C$ and community resources.
• The size of the grant amount and percentage of C$.
• The input of C$ participants and community.
• The potential long term impacts of the issues being addressed.
• Funds are awarded in matching 50% Canadian dollars and 50% Calgary dollars to a maximum of $2000 total. Hillhurst-Sunnyside Community has their own TAG grants for up to $250 and C$250.
• Project needs to be grassroots (community based, activist, small scale organization)
• Project is not primarily a fundraiser
• Project is locally oriented – international projects are not our focus
• Project is not-for-profit
• Project fits with Arusha’s mandate to move social and environmental justice forward in Calgary.
• TAG applications cannot be considered for an individual, organization or the project more than once.
The application deadline is on the 15th of each month.
Applications are reviewed by staff and our Advisory Committee. The second step is for the applicant to create a 2 minute video (1 min. on the project being funded and 1 min. on the TAG budget). The applicant uploads the video to a public site and shared widely. If, approved, grants are issued within a month (with a 25% cash holdback).
Thank you to The Calgary Foundation- Aquarius Fund, Sunnyside Natural Market, Hillhurst-Sunnyside Community Association and the City of Calgary for supporting TAG by donating the Calgary Dollars currency to match the federal dollars.
Donations to TAG in Calgary Dollars currency can be made using the “TAG Donation” button in the Calgary Dollars app and are matched by funds from the Calgary Foundation.
If you are a community organizer, feel free to use this digital media strategy document so make sure you use your time effectively!
TAG logo for use on TAG-funded project promotions: